Why Am I Restarting My Instagram Account?

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I'm making a few life changes.

There have been plenty of times when I would feel like restarting my Instagram account - "restarting" meaning deleting all my photos or creating a brand new account - and I've always stopped myself because it would be like wasting my efforts of 3-4 years or because of the number of followers I already have.

Recently I've decided that I didn't want to be the kind of person that allowed numbers the power to gratify me, therefore I've taken the plunge of creating another account. It isn't a 'finsta' or a fake/friend insta, because why would I need a private account to show the real me and a public account to try to impress strangers? I've always been quite a neat person, and having a specific theme on my profile brings me joy but have since been sucked into social media hell where maintaining a theme has become mandatory so that passersby would actually want to click that follow button. Posting regularly in order to not lose followers has become stressful for me too and honestly none of us needs that in our lives.

So here's my explanation - long story short, I just want the internet to be an enjoyable place for me again.

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