Pet Peeve
Sunday, August 27, 2017There are just some things you won't understand until you become a parent. I used to have expectations growing up about myself as a mom and now I'm realizing that they are totally unrealistic and the reason my parents raised me the way I do is because it is truly really sincerely what they thought is best. Now I'm not saying I agree with their methods a hundred percent but I see where they are coming from now and I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without their guidance.
All parents do things different, is what I'm saying. My parents didn't raise me the same ways my in-laws raised Kendall and that won't be how we raise our kids and that's totally fine! It's not wrong, so it's a definite pet peeve of mine when other people don't hesitate to tell me I'm doing something wrong. You know what's even worse? When people who don't even have kids tell me I should do things different. I'm really not one to rant and complain online (anymore) but someone tell me how is this okay?
Oh something just as bad is when a parent is trying to discipline their kid by saying no and their friends step in to say it's okay just let them have it/do it. Like??? They're trying to enforce rules, don't bully the parent into giving in or letting their kid you're the cooler adult.. because that's just not cool.
In regards to my last post of my baby being overly-attached to me, there are many people who say I'm spoiling my child. The thing I don't get is why you think spoiling a kid with love and affection is a bad thing? Shouldn't I be applauded for having so much patience and sacrificing some of my time on my child? Studies actually show that the children that are more attached to their parents in the beginning of their lives grow up to be more independent so I really don't know where the notion of 'spoiling' a baby comes from. God forbid I'm actually a good young mother.
Peace out? Hahahaha