I Can't Cook Anyway

Saturday, January 23, 2016

You made sure there was nothing I could've gotten away with
Not a fight nor a lover 
not a C nor a grade lower
No spiteful tweet no angry scribbles 
"wipe those tears away, you're not the victim"
Contained the rage in bottle and drank from it as it overflowed

Your eyes had the pride as if you've never known humility
whenever I was in the spotlight 
to receive awards to act a part to sing a solo
Kept my achievements up in the hallway
as if those frames held up the walls in your house
and not the other way around

You asked me if I was sure with the classes I signed up for
I didn't want to be a doctor a lawyer an engineer a chef
You know I'm sorry I can't cook a dish
seasoned with your desires and served up with your goals
and I never can fill your stomach 
with the satisfaction of being exactly the right flavor for you.

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