
Friday, August 25, 2017

That's the distance in kilometres between two airports of countries I've called home.


That's the number of days between now and when I will finally make that trip again.

I have such a love/hate relationship with flying, as I'm sure I've mentioned about a million times. It's exciting and daunting at the same time but there was never a time that it wasn't worth it.

This time though, I can pinpoint the exact reason why I'm so scared to fly and it's because I'm in charge of another human being, and I am terrified! I couldn't care less about baggage or seats or insurance but now I've been checking our bookings over and over just to make sure everything will go smoothly. I have no idea how she's going to behave on a 15 hour trip, and how I will handle having a child, our baggage and her stroller without Kendall by my side.

I'm so excited about this being a family trip though, since most of my friends won't be free but my parents thought it would be a great birthday present and for that I cannot be more grateful.

On a side note, my mom just told me we're staying at bedok hahaha if anyone in the west side wants to adopt me and my baby for 2 weeks, I'd be eternally grateful ;)

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