
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I have been asked more this year than ever if I'm happy. Maybe it's because I now have a family, or that I'm finally an adult, or I don't express my emotions on social media as often as I did when in my earlier years. (I deleted my twitter so my feelings aren't as accessible now) I usually reply with "of course I'm happy, why wouldn't I be?" when I know I don't really mean that.

That's when I realized, happiness is so underrated. More often than not, we look for reasons why we aren't happy instead of reasons why we are. Gratitude and positivity is so hard to come by now, and I see that flaw a lot in myself where I romanticize sadness in the form of poetry or being comfortable with staying in bed all day when the depression hits. 

It requires some practice but we can always choose happiness, no matter how dreadful the situation. Here's my attempt of gratitude.

A list of 1o things that make me happy;

1. when my hair air dries into cute little curls
2. when my baby smiles at me first thing in the morning
3. getting some me time
4. completing a poem 
5. talking to/texting someone I haven't heard from in a while
6. singing the Suits theme song (wrongly) with my husband every week
7. when the scale shows a lower number than the day before
8. the sun
9. when my horoscope aligns with what happened on a particular day
10. booking plane tickets

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